lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020


Hello, children! How are you?

Let’s revise some cooking verbs!

Now read the recipe for a cake and write the missing verbs in the sentences.

add – cut – pour – spread – enjoy – mix – cover – bake

1. _______________ 3 eggs in a bowl.

2. _______________ 220ml milk into the bowl and continue mixing.

3. _______________ the cake mix and continue mixing until you form a dough.

4. _______________ the cake in the oven at 160°C for about 60 minutes.

5. _______________ the cake into 2 halves.

6. _______________ caramel on the bottom half.

7. _______________ the bottom half with the top half.

8. _______________ your cake! Delicious!

Here’s some extra practice:

👉Food 1
👉 2
👉 objects

Do you like cooking? I like cooking. / I don’t like cooking.

What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is ice cream.

Please leave a COMMENT to share the answer to the questions.

Bye bye for now!

Miss Ceci


6 comentarios:

  1. hello I like cooking, my favourite food is chiken

    1. Hi, Sofi!
      So your favourite food is chicken. Good choice!
      Miss Cecilia

  2. buen dia profe cecilia tenia una duda si podia usar traductor por el tema que yo no conozco la unidad de ingles no para toda la tarea solo para el ejercicio 1 para de hay guiarme

    1. Sofi, I sent you some flashcards to use as help.

  3. I like cooking and my favirite food is meat and rice

    1. Hi, Nicole!
      Thank you for sharing your answer!
      Miss Cecilia
